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articles:shows:20211202-ghostbusters-afterlife [2021/12/06 06:44]
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articles:shows:20211202-ghostbusters-afterlife [2021/12/11 15:13] (current)
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 {{youtube>q4AoicVjkQo?medium}} {{youtube>q4AoicVjkQo?medium}}
 **Ghostbusters Afterlife ERASES Ghostbusters 2016 | A HUGE WIN for Fans and Pop Culture! (NO SPOILERS)\\ **Ghostbusters Afterlife ERASES Ghostbusters 2016 | A HUGE WIN for Fans and Pop Culture! (NO SPOILERS)\\
-by [[entertainment:personalities:doomcock|Doomcock aka OverlordDVD]] via Youtube**+by [[articles:shows:personalities:doomcock|Doomcock aka OverlordDVD]] via Youtube**
-I think I agree 99.9% of what [[entertainment:personalities:doomcock|Doomcock]] says in his spoiler free review. I found the lead child actress was an amazing tribute to Harold Ramis aka Dr. Egon Spengler. It was a movie that made me feel good. I liked that the story took it's time to develop. I'm tired of breakneck speed movies. I mean they are alright, but I like slower paced movies as well.+I think I agree 99.9% of what [[articles:shows:personalities:doomcock|Doomcock]] says in his spoiler free review. I found the lead child actress was an amazing tribute to Harold Ramis aka Dr. Egon Spengler. It was a movie that made me feel good. I liked that the story took it's time to develop. I'm tired of breakneck speed movies. I mean they are alright, but I like slower paced movies as well.
 {{youtube>h9oQseJOsl0?medium}} {{youtube>h9oQseJOsl0?medium}}
 **Ghostbusters Afterlife | Movie Review\\ **Ghostbusters Afterlife | Movie Review\\
-[[entertainment:personalities:gary-beuchler|Gary Beuchler aka Nerdrotic]] via Youtube**+[[articles:shows:personalities:gary-beuchler|Gary Beuchler aka Nerdrotic]] via Youtube**
-Another one of my favorite media critics, [[entertainment:personalities:gary-beuchler|Gary Beuchler aka Nerdrotic]], also says GBA is a good, fun movie that respects its heritage and doles out the warm fuzzies. I'd say Gary's review is a bit less positive than my own or even Doomcock's, but still a movie well worth the price of admission and we need to support media that is constructive and builds upon legacies rather than deconstructing and subverting culture.+Another one of my favorite media critics, [[articles:shows:personalities:gary-beuchler|Gary Beuchler aka Nerdrotic]], also says GBA is a good, fun movie that respects its heritage and doles out the warm fuzzies. I'd say Gary's review is a bit less positive than my own or even Doomcock's, but still a movie well worth the price of admission and we need to support media that is constructive and builds upon legacies rather than deconstructing and subverting culture.
 Gary's main issue is the story's pacing and I guess he probably has a point with respect to mainstream audiences and children. With the lead going to a child actor, I think a bit more action in middle of the movie would have appealed to that sort of audience. For myself though, I think I liked the pacing and this movie would have been better had the ghosts inspired a bit more dread. A darn good movie though, made better for having respect for Ghostbuster fans. Gary's main issue is the story's pacing and I guess he probably has a point with respect to mainstream audiences and children. With the lead going to a child actor, I think a bit more action in middle of the movie would have appealed to that sort of audience. For myself though, I think I liked the pacing and this movie would have been better had the ghosts inspired a bit more dread. A darn good movie though, made better for having respect for Ghostbuster fans.