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articles:linux:20220101-finale-linus-tech-tips-linux-gaming-challenge-part-4 [2022/01/01 22:33]
tom created
articles:linux:20220101-finale-linus-tech-tips-linux-gaming-challenge-part-4 [2022/01/01 22:34] (current)
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 {{youtube>B4AHI9tOOyo?medium}} {{youtube>B4AHI9tOOyo?medium}}
 **Linux FAILED - Linus Tech Tips Daily Driver Challenge Reaction\\  **Linux FAILED - Linus Tech Tips Daily Driver Challenge Reaction\\ 
-by [[linux:personalities:tech-hut|TechHut]] via Youtube**+by [[linux:personalities:techhut|TechHut]] via Youtube**
 So I wouldn't say Linux gaming failed, but rather it comes with serious trade-offs. However, given the state of AAA gaming, I don't think the trade-offs are as bad as some say. If you must have games on the first day they are released (foolish because you should wait at least a month and see how the game is reviewed). For AAA games, I say wait a year because nowdays they get you hooked on a game without microtransactions and then add them in later. Plus, I say just wait for the big end of year sales. I think I got most of my Xbox One games bought on Steam for like $250 just because I waited for the sale. So I wouldn't say Linux gaming failed, but rather it comes with serious trade-offs. However, given the state of AAA gaming, I don't think the trade-offs are as bad as some say. If you must have games on the first day they are released (foolish because you should wait at least a month and see how the game is reviewed). For AAA games, I say wait a year because nowdays they get you hooked on a game without microtransactions and then add them in later. Plus, I say just wait for the big end of year sales. I think I got most of my Xbox One games bought on Steam for like $250 just because I waited for the sale.