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articles:linux:20211210-debian-vs-arch-or-mint-vs-endeavoros [2021/12/11 00:27]
tom created
articles:linux:20211210-debian-vs-arch-or-mint-vs-endeavoros [2022/01/01 22:41] (current)
tom ↷ Page name changed from articles:linux:debian-vs-arch-or-mint-vs-endeavoros to articles:linux:20211210-debian-vs-arch-or-mint-vs-endeavoros
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 {{youtube>gtdYBc3p5Kw?medium}} {{youtube>gtdYBc3p5Kw?medium}}
 **Debian vs Arch\\ **Debian vs Arch\\
-by [[linux:personalities:chris-titus|Chris Titus]] via Youtube]]**+by [[articles:linux:personalities:chris-titus|Chris Titus]] via Youtube]]**
 Here is the video that convinced me to try Arch>EndeavorOS: Here is the video that convinced me to try Arch>EndeavorOS:
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 {{youtube>gGeA7QQIfp4?medium}} {{youtube>gGeA7QQIfp4?medium}}
 **EndeavourOS -- BEST Arch Distro (New Release)\\ **EndeavourOS -- BEST Arch Distro (New Release)\\
-by [[linux:personalities:techhut|TechHut]] via Youtube]]**+by [[articles:linux:personalities:techhut|TechHut]] via Youtube]]**
 The thing I think I will like about Arch is that it's probably going to be easier to install the latest versions of software. In the Debian line, you can install the latest software (usually) but it's not as straightforward as being reported by Arch advocates. We'll see. The thing I think I will like about Arch is that it's probably going to be easier to install the latest versions of software. In the Debian line, you can install the latest software (usually) but it's not as straightforward as being reported by Arch advocates. We'll see.