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articles:gaming:20211206-half-life-and-the-backwards-walking-running-mechanic [2021/12/06 09:37]
tom [The Problem Solved]
articles:gaming:20211206-half-life-and-the-backwards-walking-running-mechanic [2021/12/11 15:11] (current)
tom ↷ Page moved from gaming:20211206-half-life-and-the-backwards-walking-running-mechanic to articles:gaming:20211206-half-life-and-the-backwards-walking-running-mechanic
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 I hope that helps.</blockquote> I hope that helps.</blockquote>
 +This worked like a champ, but it will say that <code>exec userconfig.cfg</code> was already at the end of my config.cfg file so I don't think that marking the file as readonly since Steam is presumably adding the line at present and if Steam wants to update config.cfg for some reason ((Like it adds a feature to the game and turns that feature on via the config.cfg file.)) it won't be able to.