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articles:gaming:202200209-dead-space-3-on-linux-mint [2022/02/11 13:59]
tom [Dead Space 3 on Linux Mint]
articles:gaming:202200209-dead-space-3-on-linux-mint [2022/02/11 18:25] (current)
tom [Final Verdict]
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 ===== Tinkering ===== ===== Tinkering =====
-This one so far has been the hardest to get to work on Linux. First, I couldn't get with my primary game location [/games] in Steam which is my SSD which is also my root [/] mountpoint. My home mountpoint [/home] is on an 8TB hard disk. So what I did was move my install from [/games/...] to the default mount location [/home/tom/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/...]. Once this was accomplished I was able to install using Proton 5.13-6. Then I was able to successfully install the Origin Launcher and get the game to start.+This one so far has been the hardest to get to work on Linux. First, I couldn't get it to work in my primary game location [/games] in Steam which is my nvme which is also my root [/] mountpoint. My home mountpoint [/home] is on an 8TB hard disk. So what I did was move my install from [/games/...] to the default mount location [/home/tom/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/...]. Once this was accomplished I was able to install using Proton 5.13-6. Then I was able to successfully install the Origin Launcher and get the game to start
 +Once I had the Origin launcher installed and working once, I was able to move Dead Space 3 to my nvme.
 Also, when I [Alt] + [Tab]bed out of the game, when I tabbed back in the controls and sound didn't work, so I saw on ProtonDB a fellow that suggested that you have to tab out, then in, then out, then back in and then the sound and controls work. This worked for me. Also, when I [Alt] + [Tab]bed out of the game, when I tabbed back in the controls and sound didn't work, so I saw on ProtonDB a fellow that suggested that you have to tab out, then in, then out, then back in and then the sound and controls work. This worked for me.
 +The game crashed about 4 times on me. It seems to occur when a lot of graphical animations are going on.
 NOTE: I tried running DS3 and installing the Origin Launcher with several different versions of Proton, but it only worked after I moved the files to the location where Steam games are installed by original (fresh install default library folder. NOTE: I tried running DS3 and installing the Origin Launcher with several different versions of Proton, but it only worked after I moved the files to the location where Steam games are installed by original (fresh install default library folder.
 +===== Final Verdict =====
 +The game not starting problems seem to be with the EA/Origin launcher. Try different version of Proton if you are having problems -- I got mine to work with Proton 5.13-6. If different Proton's don't work, try moving the game. It seems to work better if you install Dead Space 3 in your original library at the time you installed Steam. Also, when I [Alt] + [Tab]bed out of the game, when I tabbed back in the controls and sound didn't work, so I saw on ProtonDB a fellow that suggested that you have to tab out, then in, then out, then back in and then the sound and controls work. This worked for me.
 +It took me about 4 hours to get the game working. Trying different versions of Proton and even Gloirous Eggroll. Installing and re-installing. Moving the game from one library to the other. Verifying the files etc. But I am pretty sure the main (game won't start) problem with the game is the EA/Origin Launcher and once you solve that, the game ran great for the most part. However, this is a lot of effort for the typical gamer.