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articles:gaming:202200206-dead-space-2-on-linux-mint [2022/02/06 21:58]
tom [Dead Space 2 on Linux Mint]
articles:gaming:202200206-dead-space-2-on-linux-mint [2022/02/09 11:18] (current)
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-====== Dead Space 2 on Linux Mint ======+ ====== Dead Space 2 on Linux Mint ======
 {{:articles:gaming:ds2-gonnableed.png?600|}} {{:articles:gaming:ds2-telemetry.png?600|}} {{:articles:gaming:ds2-gonnableed.png?600|}} {{:articles:gaming:ds2-telemetry.png?600|}}
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 {{:articles:gaming:ds2-notthesame.png?600|}} {{:articles:gaming:ds2-assoverteakettle.png?600|}} {{:articles:gaming:ds2-notthesame.png?600|}} {{:articles:gaming:ds2-assoverteakettle.png?600|}}
-{{:articles:gaming:ds2-mykindofpopsicles.png?600|}}+{{:articles:gaming:ds2-mykindofpopsicles.png?600|}} {{:articles:gaming:ds2-beautiful.png?600|}} 
 +{{:articles:gaming:ds2-sobright.png?600|}} {{:articles:gaming:ds2-bitofajamb.png?600|}} 
 +{{:articles:gaming:ds2-oldschool.png?600|}} {{:articles:gaming:ds2-bedroom.png?600|}} 
 +{{:articles:gaming:ds2-systemicracism.png?600|}} {{:articles:gaming:ds2-stupidgames.png?600|}} 
 +{{:articles:gaming:ds2-tiredass.png?600|}} {{:articles:gaming:ds2-winking.png?600|}}
 ===== Tinkering ===== ===== Tinkering =====
-The game loaded up and started nicely but it was crashing every few minutes, so in my Nvidia X Server Settings > OpenGL Settings, I unchecked "Sync to VBlank" and "Allow Flipping". I also turned off Vsync in the Dead Space 2 settings.+The game loaded up and started nicely but it was crashing every few minutes, so in my Nvidia X Server Settings > OpenGL Settings, I unchecked "Sync to VBlank" and "Allow Flipping". I also turned off Vsync in the Dead Space 2 settings. The game crashed twice on a single playthrough. If you [Alt] + [Tab] out of the game, sometimes the game screen will be corrupted when you tab back in. Just tab back out and back in and you're good to go.