You are 100% responsible to inspect each of my tools you use before using it to ensure your own safety and the safety of others and the safety of property. You become 100% liable and indemnify me for any damage and-or harm from the use of my tools you do to yourself, others, your property, the property of others, and-or my tools. Said liability and indemnification is persistent even if someone besides yourself uses my tools. Said risk of liability arises during the time period at which you accept delivery of my tools until the time that I personally take possession of my tools back. You are 100% responsible to learn how to use the tools properly and safely before use. You are 100% required to read any and all safety and maintenance manuals provided with the tool before use. If the manual doesn't cover an item of proper use or safety, that does not excuse you from liability. Any manual provided is there to help supplement your safe use and maintenance of the tools.
I lend out at least $500 worth of tools (my assessed replacement value) in a “tool kit”. I charge 5% of that value per day which comes out to a $25 per day minimum. I got into this for pocket money, but I don't want to have my day broken up taking a call, working up a toolkit with a borrower, doing an inventory & inspection of tools before delivery, at the time of delivery, and at the time of pickup. I'm just not willing to do that for $24.99. It's got to be at least $25. That's why I try to pre-package kits that are valued around the $500 mark.
If we lived in a world where people didn't argue in bad faith, as well as lie, cheat, and steal then I wouldn't need to take a deposit. We don't live in that world. So what I try to do is exchange about $500 worth of tools for $500 cash. At this point, you can keep the tools and I would be able to replace the tools. So you're welcome to keep the tools if you want. No harm, no foul to either of you or myself. Now, when I come back I essentially end up buying my tools back minus the fee I charge you for borrowing the tools ($25 per day for a $500 kit) and any damage done to the tools and-or consumables you use from the kit. At all times, both you and are have pretty much equal leverage (collateral) with each other. I can't too mad at you on how you treat my tools because I got your cash deposit, and you can't really get mad at me about your cash deposit because you have possession of my tools. Per the terms, you don't have to give them back unless I return to you an amount of cash that you will be satisfied with.
I have no interest in dealing with credit/debit cards. The issuer of the card skims money off the top and interest as well against you, plus I would have to pay for some sort of service to the credit card processor as well. That's usually a monthly fee plus a percentage. And then the banks feel free to take money out of my bank account if they deem that I shouldn't have got the funds from your card for whatever reason. Quite frankly I'm just not interested in playing games with card issuers, processors, and banks. Especially since I am not going to have a ton of transactions to process like your typical tool rental company with a storefront would. Heck, I might go several months without lending out a single kit. So, yeah I'm not going to take on a bunch of overhead so that this actually costs me more than it would be worth. These are my tools. I'm able to make them available at very affordable rates precisely because I have almost zero overhead. Even more important though, I just don't want to take the time to deal with card issuers, card processors, banks and their contracts, etc. I just want to deal with the borrower of my tools and no one else. Cash makes things quick and easy, and I'm all about quick and easy.
This isn't a business with a storefront. I'm just a retired guy with a bunch of tools. Most of my tools are loaded up in my pickup. On the average day I'll be out and about town or watching Youtube in my recliner at my house. I live in a pretty quite residential area and I don't want to have unexpected traffic at my house and I'm sure my neighbors don't either. So, the only way to make this work without having “shoppers” knocking at my door when I'm cooking a meal, watching a fiery Youtube debate, or visiting with my kids and-or grandchildren is to bring the tools to you.
Presently I charge a $1 per mile from my house to your location for each I pickup and-or delivery I do (rounded up to the nearest mile). I don't charge mileage for driving back to my house. So, if you live 10 miles away (as I drive it) and you borrow a kit on Monday, and a second kit on Tuesday, and I pickup both kits on Wednesday, that's three trips to your place, 30 miles, $30 bucks.