— Tom Clark 2022/05/03 09:50
This is a seriously flawed work of art. I love this game. I am really saddened by some of the game design choices though. The game is beautiful. A visual treat. I often don't care about visuals but this game, man it's gorgeous.
The main protagonist is Arthur and he reminds me of my beloved father who grew up on a fairly primitive ranch in the Salmon River country out here in Idaho and he lived the near the same rural lifestyle depicted at the smaller ranches. My dad won quite a few bullriding competitions as a young man and loved going hunting in the mountains with horses and a pack mule. I accompanied my dad on a few hunting trips but I never really took to it. So the hunting and fishing and landscape of this game really gets to me.
My dad was also pretty willing to share his opinion and get in the middle of a conflict and so the dialog and the fist fighting could have been modeled after my dad. My dad's scowl, they used it in this game for Arthur. Arthur even sounds quite a bit like my dad.
Problems I have with the game. The goofy shit. It's not too bad in the single player game, but it's really terrible online. The online game is trash IMO.
But the game has two major, and nearly unforgivable flaws:
Well this game crashed a lot. I've tried various versions of Proton and a bunch of different settings and nothing really cures it. The most persistent crash has been reported a lot on ProtonDB.com, the “ERR_GFX_STATE” crash.
I tried putting in an Nvidia 1080TI to see if older driver and hardware helped. It did not.
Anyway, eventually, at times, I could get hours of gameplay without any crashes. If the game crashes twice in close succession I'd reboot my system and that would often clear things up for a long while. Also, changing textures from high to ultra and ultra to high each time I started the game seemed to help as well. Could just be a coincidence.
I settled on the launch options: PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 DXVK_ASYNC=1
I installed ProtonUp-Qt which is a great way to install and manage Glorious Eggroll forks of Proton. The latest GE-Proton7-15 worked as good as (if not better) than any other version for me.