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Dead Space 3 on Linux Mint

Tom Clark 2022/02/09 15:02


This one so far has been the hardest to get to work on Linux. First, I couldn't get it to work in my primary game location [/games] in Steam which is my nvme which is also my root [/] mountpoint. My home mountpoint [/home] is on an 8TB hard disk. So what I did was move my install from [/games/…] to the default mount location [/home/tom/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/…]. Once this was accomplished I was able to install using Proton 5.13-6. Then I was able to successfully install the Origin Launcher and get the game to start.

Once I had the Origin launcher installed and working once, I was able to move Dead Space 3 to my nvme.

Also, when I [Alt] + [Tab]bed out of the game, when I tabbed back in the controls and sound didn't work, so I saw on ProtonDB a fellow that suggested that you have to tab out, then in, then out, then back in and then the sound and controls work. This worked for me.

The game crashed about 4 times on me. It seems to occur when a lot of graphical animations are going on.

NOTE: I tried running DS3 and installing the Origin Launcher with several different versions of Proton, but it only worked after I moved the files to the location where Steam games are installed by original (fresh install default library folder.

Final Verdict

The game not starting problems seem to be with the EA/Origin launcher. Try different version of Proton if you are having problems – I got mine to work with Proton 5.13-6. If different Proton's don't work, try moving the game. It seems to work better if you install Dead Space 3 in your original library at the time you installed Steam. Also, when I [Alt] + [Tab]bed out of the game, when I tabbed back in the controls and sound didn't work, so I saw on ProtonDB a fellow that suggested that you have to tab out, then in, then out, then back in and then the sound and controls work. This worked for me.

It took me about 4 hours to get the game working. Trying different versions of Proton and even Gloirous Eggroll. Installing and re-installing. Moving the game from one library to the other. Verifying the files etc. But I am pretty sure the main (game won't start) problem with the game is the EA/Origin Launcher and once you solve that, the game ran great for the most part. However, this is a lot of effort for the typical gamer.